***Suggested listening** " Something I Can Never Have" someday i will share this with you my love someday maybe we will read it together. but for now they are my private thoughts. mine alone to suffer through in silence. i wish somehow to find a way to share all this with you. you should know by now you are my everything my happiness. you are my master and i your slave. like it or not. i have never felt so strongly for another being and have no i dea how to handle all of this. i keep trying to force you from my mind but i cannot. my heart has a tight hold on you. god some day i hope you understand and realize i am the one for you. the one who has loved you from the begining no matter what. my love for you is unconditional. i know you. i know what you need. someday maybe youll let me be the one to give it to you. i crave nothing but to make you happy and serve at your feet . because for me its all about you. your body is the temple i wish to worship at for all eternity. to see your naked body laying there in front of me to hold kiss cuddle and play with, ahh there is no greater joy. so i place this tattoo on my ankle. my symbol of undying faith that we really will find eachother again. that is how stronlgy i feel for you. and still you are lost to me.